Create a free TopDog Sports account

  • The form below will allow you to create an account in Palm Tennis - Advanced League.
    Once you have an account and login you can signup for leagues and events in our online system.
  • Make sure you enter all required fields *
  • After submitting this form an email will be sent to you confirming your account.
  • Note* If you do not have a home club, you can enter your league or organization for your home club.
* Make sure you fill in all required fields.
Account Information:
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Middle Initial:
Gender: * Male Female
If you are sharing an email address with a family member, make sure your password is different than theirs.
Birth Date (mm/dd/ccyy): *
Zip Code:*

Phones (at least one phone number)
Home Phone:*
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:*
Cell Company: We use this for text messaging

Rating Sport: This is the sport of your rating.
Home Club: Where you mostly play. Can't find your club? click here to submit new club or home court.
League name: League or governing body.
USTA Number:
T Shirt Size:

Confirm Password:*

Allow other logged in users to view my Gender:
Allow other logged in users to view my Phone Number:
Allow logged in users to send Email:
Receive E-mails
  • Allow auto generated, confirmation reminders and match reminder emails.
  • Do not allow auto generated, confirmation reminders and match reminder emails.
Club Membership

Have a software question?

League questions should be directed to your league.

561-212-1641 |